Text To Music Pricing My Music

Free AI Text To Music Generator

Effortlessly turn your text into captivating music with the power of AI.

0/3000 characters
Create a song without lyrics.
Type your Style of Music to set the genre, vibe, mood, tempo, and voice.Note:Our service does not recognize artists' names, which may cause errors in generation.
0/120 characters
Give your song a name for sharing, discovery and organization.
0/100 characters

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tu me manque
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tu me manque
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6 Kugel
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Lovesong for Edith
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What is Text To Music?

Text To Music is an AI-powered service that converts written text into musical compositions, creating unique melodies and arrangements based on the input text.

How does Text To Music generate music from text?

Text To Music uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze the meaning, emotion, and structure of the input text, then translates these elements into musical parameters such as melody, rhythm, and harmony.

Is the Text To Music generation service free?

Text To Music offers both free and premium tiers. Basic features are available for free, while advanced features and higher quality outputs require a premium subscription.

What styles of music can Text To Music generate?

Text To Music can generate various musical styles including classical, pop, electronic, ambient, and more, adapting to the context and mood of the input text.

How long does Text To Music take to generate a song?

Generation times typically range from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the length and complexity of the input text and the desired musical output.

What is the quality of the AI music generated by Text To Music?

The quality varies based on the subscription tier, with premium users accessing higher-quality sound samples and more sophisticated composition algorithms.

What languages does Text To Music support for text input?

Text To Music supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, and Chinese, with more languages being added regularly.

How can users download the AI music generated by Text To Music?

Users can download their generated music in various formats (MP3, WAV) directly from the platform, with premium users having access to higher quality exports.

How does Text To Music ensure the privacy of user data?

Text To Music employs industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect user data and generated content, following strict privacy policies and regulations.